! Без рубрикиA systematic literature review on the determinants of cryptocurrency pricing

A systematic literature review on the determinants of cryptocurrency pricing

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These often include assessing real-world adoption potential, reviewing technical specifications, studying the founders and developers, scanning community engagement, and evaluating competitors. In Figure 2, we plot the effects of positive and negative one standard deviation shocks to lnETH on lnSM. As shown in the first graph, a positive one standard deviation shock in lnETH significantly increase stock market prices in the short run and raises it to a sustained long run value of 3.81.

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  • Still, Bitcoin mining is a possible catalyst for accelerating the global shift toward clean energy and effective power grid management.
  • Despite widespread concerns, skepticism, and prior bans on cryptocurrencies, India has encouraged innovation and the use of blockchain.
  • Studies have provided many determinants of cryptocurrency pricing within the existing financial market; however, research on cryptocurrency pricing is rather fragmented.
  • Registration is required if firms offer any digital asset-related services in the country.
  • While these downward price movements do have adverse impacts on portfolios, the extent to which you are at risk will completely depend on your goals as a trader or investor.
  • In any case, bubbles and crash analysis is an important researching area in cryptocurrency trading.
  • The Bahamas are considered an investor-friendly tax haven where there is no income or capital gains tax.
  • His research interests include financial technologies and cryptocurrency pricing.

Hrytsiuk et al. (2019) showed that the cryptocurrency returns can be described by the Cauchy distribution and obtained the analytical expressions for VaR risk measures and performed calculations accordingly. As a result of the optimisation, the sets of optimal cryptocurrency portfolios were built in their experiments. We adopt a bottom-up approach to the research in cryptocurrency trading, starting from the systems up to risk management techniques. For the underlying trading system, the focus is on the optimisation of trading platforms structure and improvements of computer science technologies. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are conducted on a peer-to-peer network structure.

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This can include investing in companies that hold significant amounts of Bitcoin on their balance sheets, buying shares in Bitcoin-focused ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), or investing in funds that include Bitcoin or blockchain technology-related companies. Early Bitcoin investor and promoter, often referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus” for his early and vocal advocacy for Bitcoin before focusing on Bitcoin Cash. Ver’s exact current holdings in Bitcoin are not publicly known, as he diversified his investments into Bitcoin Cash and other cryptocurrencies.

  • This statement is assuming a false dichotomy between crypto and traditional finance.
  • DBM is a type of binary paired Markov random field (undirected probability graphical model) with multiple layers of hidden random variables (Salakhutdinov and Hinton 2009).
  • In 2020, however, the Indian Supreme Court struck down the ban, and clarified that no prohibition exists.
  • Lawmakers in France have recently debated changing the tax structure related to cryptos.
  • 1, we observe over 85% of papers have appeared since 2018, demonstrating the emergence of cryptocurrency trading as a new research area in financial trading.
  • We also understand that the volatility component seems to be driven by the level of popular interest in cryptocurrencies and major market developments (Chaim & Laurini, 2019).
  • A CNN is a specific type of neural network layer commonly used for supervised learning.
  • Some variables may have a larger effect than others, and the EBA does not take this into account.

Bubbles and Crash Analysis

The research indicated the importance of jumps in cryptocurrency volatility and structural breakthroughs. Autoregressive-moving-average model with exogenous inputs model (ARMAX), GARCH, VAR and Granger causality tests are used in the experiments. The results showed that there is no causal relationship between global stock market and gold returns on bitcoin returns, but a causal relationship between ripple returns on bitcoin prices is found.

Non-fungible tokens

Direct connections between crypto-assets and systemically important financial institutions and core financial markets are rapidly evolving, opening the door to the potential for regulatory gaps, fragmentation or arbitrage. A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital code stored on a blockchain, a form of distributed or digital ledger. The term “non-fungible” distinguishes NFTs from other digital assets that are fungible or interchangeable, such as bitcoin. The SEC and CFTC are also likely to play an integral role in the oversight of crypto trading platforms or exchanges.


Once you’re ready to invest, you should make it no more than 5% of your portfolio. This is enough to gain exposure to potential gains while limiting the impact of losses on the overall portfolio. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. Capture more market opportunities by trading popular US stocks and ETFs when market-moving news happens, during local market hours or whenever it is convenient for you.

EOS vs. Ethereum (ETH): Which Is Better?

Future research could adjust the search strategies, the intervals and reading sources to collect relevant studies. Studies that included the design of a measurement scale of the influential factors with statistical validation would also improve insights into the literature. This systematic literature review identified factors influencing cryptocurrency pricing and highlighted major gaps in the research. The findings generated from this research offer important contributions to the literature and practitioners. To comply with Regulation ATS, an ATS must register as a broker-dealer and file an initial operation report with the Commission on Form ATS before beginning operations.

  • The Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission[41] (CVM) has approved several crypto ETFs.
  • An example illustrating a transaction executed on a protocol relying on a smart contract may be instructive.
  • As a result, this is considered the “fair value”, which is determined daily at the end of the day.
  • A public address is a string of alphanumeric characters representing a blockchain destination.
  • These improvements have the potential to drive the growth of promising cryptocurrencies.
  • To get started, users must register for an account, complete identity verification, deposit funds, and begin trading.
  • This review followed a predetermined search strategy using the terms (“cryptocurrency” OR “encryption currency” OR “digital money” OR “digital currency”) AND (“factor” OR “determine”) AND “(price)”.

Tether Markets

To the extent any recommendations or statements of opinion or fact made in a story may constitute financial advice, they constitute general information and not personal financial advice in any form. As such, any recommendations or statements do not take into account the financial circumstances, investment objectives, tax implications, or any specific requirements of readers. If you expect the price of an asset to rise but the quotes begin to fall instead, this can lead to a rapid liquidation of the position due to the trading account being zeroed out. Adherents of margin trading are constantly improving methods of effective risk management. This allows for the maximum efficient use of leverage without fear of facing a margin call.

Bitcoin, or a digital equivalent of gold

The IRB has said further that several factors may determine whether profits from crypto activities would be subject to income tax. Despite an international reputation for being hostile to cryptos, some attorneys argue that the acts of parliament fall short of criminalizing or even banning cryptos. Despite the restrictions, there are no verified Stock Method Max reports of arrests, charges or convictions, related to the use of cryptos. In April 2020, the Portuguese government published a Digital Transition Action Plan[102] which included 12 pillars, the most important of which were the digital empowerment of people, the digital transformation of companies, the digitization of the state.

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Going long on defensive stocks

Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty can also impact the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies. Some institutional investors may be hesitant to invest in cryptocurrencies due to regulatory uncertainty, which could slow down the development of the market. With a market capitalization of over $1 trillion and a daily trading volume of $29+ billion, BTC has lower price slippage and greater predictability compared to altcoins.

Ghorbel & Jeribi (2021) [24] investigates the relationship between volatility in cryptocurrencies and other financial assets. Daily secondary data from 2016 to 2020 on adjusted closing-price of Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Monero, and Ripple cryptocurrencies as well as American Stock indexes returns, oil (WTI), and gold prices were analysed. A Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) GARCH Model and a BEKK-GARCH Model was used to analyse data. Results show that cryptocurrencies exhibit higher volatility spillovers than financial assets. Additionally, results suggest that US investors considered gold and Bitcoin as hedges prior to coronavirus outbreak.

Katsiampa [16] analyzed the Bitcoin volatility using a range of GARCH-type models assuming normally distributed errors and concludes that AR (1)-CGARCH (1, 1) is the best model to estimate Bitcoin returns volatility. Charles and Darn [17] replicate the study of Katsiampa considering the presence of extreme observations and using jump-filtered returns and the AR (1)-GARCH (1, 1) model is selected as the optimal model. Pichl and Kaizoji [18] study the time-varying realized volatility of Bitcoin and conclude that it is significantly bigger compared to that of fiat currencies.

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Compendium: Cryptocurrency regulations by country

STOCK METHOD MAX Trade the most popular cryptocurrencies and other digital assets safely

A stock market is a venue where publicly traded corporations’ shares are traded. The stock market is a network of exchanges where investors can buy and sell securities such as stocks and bonds [20] . The stock market provides a platform for companies to raise capital to fund their operations by selling shares of stock on the stock market, producing and sustaining wealth for individual investors. In a stock market environment, the primary market is where corporations raise cash by selling shares to the general public in an initial public offering (IPO). The protocol is a computer code that specifies how participants can transact, a ledger that stores the history of transactions, and a decentralized network of participants that update, store, and read the ledger of transactions.

As we’ve seen over the years, the best defense against cybercriminals is a multilayered one that can provide redundancy in the event that one of the security controls fails. That’s why today’s institutions require a security system that layers MPC alongside numerous other software and hardware defenses to make breaking in highly expensive and nearly impossible. With the new algorithm, we’ve introduced a new security feature that ensures MPC key shares are automatically refreshed in minutes-long intervals. That means a malicious actor only has a few moments to steal all the key shards before the shares are refreshed and they have to start over – effectively adding a new layer of protection to our multi-layered security system. Doerner et al.’s MPC algorithm accomplishes a threshold using just 6 signatures.

Use leverage with an optimal ratio so that a market reversal does not lead to unacceptable losses. Lindell et al. offers a slight decrease in the number of transactions that need to be signed from Gennaro and Goldfeder, at 8. However, this still doesn’t reach the level of operational efficiency necessary for today’s markets.

Is possible to learn how to predict crypto price trends?

As shown in the second graph a negative one standard deviation shock to lnETH lowers lnSM in the short-run and raises it to a sustained long-run value of about 3.42. The findings confirm IMF report that Ethereum and Bitcoin moves in the same direction with the stock market indices in the United State. The combined effect of cryptocurrencies after computed using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows a positive and significant impact on the stock market.

Grayscale manages this trust, holding a substantial amount of Bitcoin on behalf of its investors. On January 25, 2024, OKX reported having 147,676 BTC in user asset holdings with a total of 150,860 BTC in OKX wallet assets. This includes 143,675 BTC in exchange wallets and 7,185 BTC in third-party custody. As of September 2023, Coinbase was reported to be holding an impressive 1 million Bitcoin.

Our results, therefore, show that the addition of pseudo-anonymous cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ether) and gold could provide diversification and hedging opportunities for the US and Chinese investors during the COVID-19 crisis. Under the shadow of the 2020 pandemic disease, Elgammal et al. (2021) found unidirectional mean spillovers from energy markets to the precious metal and equity counterparts, and bidirectional return spillover effects between gold and equity markets. Using the directed acyclic graph, network topology, and spillover index, the empirical results of Guo et al. (2021) show that the contagion effect between Bitcoin and developed markets is strengthened during the 2020 crisis.

The suggestion is that crypto-assets are beginning to gain mainstream acceptability, with ownership peaking at 6% of Slovakians and 8% of Dutch nationals reported as owning crypto-assets. Moreover, the volatility series are not directly observable and must be estimated. GARCH models are the most appropriate models that represent volatility in the financial markets.

  • Prior studies have shown that cryptocurrency usage in transactions, its supply and price levels are consistent with monetary economics and the quantity theory of money (Wang & Vergne, 2017).
  • Unlike Bitcoin, the price of USDT is designed to remain stable at $1, regardless of market fluctuations.
  • It aims to provide inclusive finance by offering diverse trading pairs and stake services on one centralized staking platform.
  • To gain insight into the near-term outlook for cryptocurrency, it is essential to understand the key crypto trends influencing its exchange rate.
  • The significant serial correlations reported in the squared returns imply that there is non-linear dependence in the return series.

One of the basic methods is to choose a leverage ratio that allows for significant market drawdowns. This is especially true in crypto space, which is characterized by increased volatility and lower predictability compared to Forex. Below is a table with the main advantages and disadvantages of trading cryptocurrency with leverage. In addition to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and so on, traders may come across strange names like 3x short Ethereum. If you want to try leverage trading for the first time, check out the guide for beginner traders.

  • Grayscale manages this trust, holding a substantial amount of Bitcoin on behalf of its investors.
  • Like safe havens, investors tend to start piling into defensive stocks when bearish sentiment emerges.
  • This compendium to the report provides a summary of the regulatory picture in each jurisdiction.
  • Generally, the conditional variance component of the GARCH-type specification plays a significant role since it provides models with a long memory and a more flexible lag structure.
  • Consequently, revealing that more recently, the most cited countries are not present in the overall top 10.
  • Among all 102 papers, 88 papers (86.28%) present statistical methods and technologies in cryptocurrency trading research and 13.72% papers research machine learning applied to cryptocurrency trading (cf. Fig. 10).
  • Cardano is a scalable project with robust support for the development of sophisticated and complex decentralized applications.

The attributes in the legend are ranked according to the number of papers that specifically test the attribute. We would like to emphasize that the six headings above focus on a particular aspect of cryptocurrency trading; we give a complete organisation of the papers collected under each heading. This implies that those papers covering more than one aspect will be discussed in different sections, once from each angle. Some researchers gave a brief survey of cryptocurrency (Ahamad et al. 2013; Sharma et al. 2017), cryptocurrency systems (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2016) and cryptocurrency trading opportunities (Kyriazis 2019).

It stores US dollar balances in FDIC-insured banks, providing an additional layer of protection against vulnerabilities and ensuring the safety of crypto funds. Coinbase, established in 2012, enables the exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat currency. Initially based in San Francisco, it is now one of the best crypto staking platforms that operate globally, with crypto services  and products available in over 100 countries. Coinbase is a centralized staking platform that allows users to earn yields by locking up their assets.

It’s challenging to accurately determine which country owns the most Bitcoin due to the cryptocurrency’s decentralized and anonymous nature. However, the United States dominates with 69,640 BTC, accounting for 90.3% of the world’s government-held Bitcoin. This significant holding is largely thanks to the FBI’s seizures, including a notable portion from the Silk Road’s founders and the Bitfinex hack recovery. As the name suggests, Indirect Bitcoin Exposure refers to investing in assets or financial products that are related to Bitcoin’s performance without owning Bitcoin directly.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that represent art, collectibles, gaming, etc. The Ethereum blockchain was the first place where NFTs were implemented, but now many other blockchains have created their own versions of NFTs. One of the features cryptocurrency lacks in comparison to credit cards, for example, is consumer protection against fraud, such as chargebacks. Evidence reveals that in the cryptocurrency market approximately four-fifth of the mid-price changes seem to be established within the market itself (Mark et al., 2020). In addition, it is shown that the price movements of Bitcoin are linked to its transaction activity, albeit the returns seem to explain more of the variation in transaction activity than the transaction activity in the returns (Koutmos, 2018a). Additionally, evidence shows a strong connectedness among cryptocurrencies in periods of high market uncertainty, whereas in periods of low market uncertainty it indicates a weak connectedness (Antonakakis et al., 2019).


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